
Thank you very much for visiting our Cosmetovigilance section. The cosmetic products marketed by Minoxidilber® have high safety and quality standards. Undesirable effects resulting from normal or reasonable use are rare and are usually mild in nature and completely reversible.

Our main objective is to maintain the protection of the health of our clients by monitoring the occurrence and reducing the probability of recurrence of undesirable effects.

If you present any adverse reaction or adverse event, with the use of any of our products, you can report it through our official communication channels that are:

In case of any reaction when using one of our products, please contact our email:, and through our Minoxidilber® Cosmetovigilance department your report will be taken and timely follow-up.

In compliance with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties, the confidentiality of your personal data will be maintained by effectively establishing and maintaining administrative, technical and physical security measures to prevent damage, loss, alteration, improper destruction, use, access or disclosure.

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